Evaluating the salary review process

It is a good idea to evaluate the salary review process shortly after it has been concluded. What success factors and areas of improvement can be identified? What lessons have we learned?

Here are some questions that may help the evaluation:


Timetable and project management

  • Did we keep to the timetable?
  • Does any part of the process require more time next year?
  • How did the project management work?
  • Was there adequate communication?


Managers’ viewpoint

  • What did the managers think of the support from HR?
  • Was there sufficient information and support material?
  • What did they think of any training that was given?
  • How was the decision-making basis for individual pay increases?


Employees’ viewpoint

  • What did the employees think of the salary review process?
  • How was the performance review and the salary review meeting?
  • What did they think of the communication from managers, HR and the executive team?
  • How did the outcome compare to expectations?



  • Did the HR department carry out any analyses during the salary review so that any misalignments could be corrected before the salary review was concluded? Did this produce any results?
  • Has the HR department analyzed the final results of the salary review? Are the results in line with the compensation strategy of the organization?


The way forward

  • Is it possible to identify areas where training for managers should be prioritized?
  • Does the support material need to include more/better information?
  • Based on the results of the evaluation, is the company’s pay policy adequately communicated or are additional initiatives required?